Staying Motivated in Winter

Winter is that wonderful time of the year when the days are shorter, the food is warmer, and you really, really don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. That only makes your job twice as hard however once summer comes around and you’ve got all that extra winter warmth to lose. Staying…

Client Profile: Amy Wilshusen

Client Profile: Amy Wilshusen I really wanted to highlight Amy’s journey in the latest client profile. Amy has achieved some fantastic results in her time with BodySwitch. However the results become just a little more impressive with Amy’s ability to overcome multiple injuries and not allowing these to hinder her progress. When many people use…

Personal Training Ipswich

Client Profile: Katie Gibb

Client Profile: Katie Gibb   Katie has been one of my most committed and successful clients. Through hard work and dedication she has seen an amazing transformation. I wanted to highlight her journey in the hope that it inspires others to reach their health and fitness potential.     Time Training with BodySwitch: 6 years…